<text xml:space="preserve" lang="En">Failed to load soundfile '%s'.
Please reinstall game!</text>
<m name="tut01welcome">
<text xml:space="preserve" lang="Cz">Vφtej vojßku u BASA!
Zßkladnφ v²cvik T∞ nauΦφ vÜe pot°ebnΘ pro ·sp∞Ün² boj s emzßky. Jejich taktika je nep°edvφdatelnß, ale s Tv²mi reflexy a naÜφ technologiφ se nßm poda°φ nßÜ zelen² sv∞t p°ed nimi uchrßnit.</text>
<text xml:space="preserve" lang="En">Welcome soilder to BASA
Basic training will learn You how to fight with the MZs. Their tactics is unpredictable but with your reflexes and our technolgy we'll surly beat them.</text>
<m name="tut02ship">
<text lang="Cz">Prßv∞ se nachßzφÜ v nejvysp∞lejÜφ technologii, kterou je schopnß BASA vyrßb∞t. Jednß se o doprovodnou lo∩ naÜim konvoj∙m Becherovky. Je t°eba, aby ses ji nauΦil dob°e ovlßdat.</text>
<text xml:space="preserve" lang="En">You are now flighting with BASA's ever high-tech possible. It is a fellow ship for our convoys. It is neces...ly for you to learn flying with it.
<text xml:space="preserve" lang="En">Your first task will be to fly through the metoers swarn. So you can proof us you've learn to fly.
Prepare yourself!</text>
<m name="tut04meteors2">
<text xml:space="preserve" lang="Cz">V²born∞!
Ze zßkladny Ti posφlßme v²zbroj pro Tvoji lo∩! P°i potφ₧φch b∞hem transportu jsme schopni obΦas dodßvat novΘ zbran∞, nßboje nebo dopl≥ovat Ütφty.
P°i delÜφch v²pravßch T∞ budeme p°ednostn∞ zßsobovat i nejnov∞jÜφ technologiφ.
Rychle se vyzbroj, p°ipravili jsme Ti dalÜφ zkouÜku.</text>
<text xml:space="preserve" lang="En">Great!
We are sending you an equipment from out nearby base. If there is any problem with covoy we are able to send you new weapons, ammo or shield restorements.
Equip yourself quickly cause we have prepare another test for you.</text>
<m name="storyunderattack">
<text xml:space="preserve" lang="Cz">Jsme pod ·tokem!
Rychle, zniΦ vÜechny emzßky!</text>
<text xml:space="preserve" lang="En">We are under attack!
Destroy all MZs quickly!</text>
<m name="storyhacking">
<text xml:space="preserve" lang="Cz">Poda°ilo se jim hacknout nßÜ Bechassembler!
Je to jen na Tob∞!
Mßme hlßÜenφ, ₧e n∞kterΘ lod∞ byli uneseny!</text>
<text lang="Cz">SystΘm Windows Vista podporuje antialiasing pouze v celoobrazovkovΘm re₧imu!</text>
<text lang="En">System Windows Vista supports antialiasing only in fullscreen mode!</text>
<m name="bc_unable">
<text lang="Cz">Nemohu zapsat do 'system\bechon.ini'!</text>
<text lang="En">Unable to write 'system\bechon.ini'!</text>
<m name="bc_keys">
<text lang="Cz">Jedno nebo vφce polφ pro nastavenφ klßvesnice nenφ vypln∞no!</text>
<text lang="En">One or more Controls fields are not set!</text>
<m name="rolling_story">
<text lang="Cz">Emzßci napadli a ukradli konvoj spoleΦnosti BASA (Becherovka AeroSpace Agency), kter² byl urΦen pro kolonii na m∞sφcφ Europa. Proto₧e jsi jako jedin² p°e₧il ·tok a jsi nejblφ₧e unikajφcφm Emzßk∙m, je tv²m poslßnφm p°ivΘzt nazp∞t co se dß. BASA T∞ bude podporovat nejnov∞jÜφ mo₧nou technologiφ. Budoucnost nßpoje Becher je ve tv²ch rukou. Hodn∞ Üt∞stφ vojßku!</text>
<text xml:space="preserve" lang="En">MZs has attacked BASA's (Becherovka AeroSpace Agency) convoy which has been sent for colony on the Europa moon. As an only survivel you're closet to the escaping MZs. It is your duty to save our convoy. BASA will be giving you support with the newest technology available. Future of the Becher liquid is in you hands. Good Luck Soilder!</text>
<t name="about">
<text lang="Cz">O h°e</text>
<text lang="En">About this game</text>
<t name="newgame">
<text lang="Cz">Novß hra</text>
<text lang="En">New game</text>
<t name="story">
<text lang="Cz">P°φb∞h</text>
<text lang="En">Story</text>
<t name="settings">
<text lang="Cz">Nastavenφ</text>
<text lang="En">Settings</text>
<t name="credits">
<text lang="Cz">Auto°i</text>
<text lang="En">Credits</text>
<t name="exit">
<text lang="Cz">Konec</text>
<text lang="En">Exit</text>
<t name="ok">
<text lang="Cz">OK</text>
<text lang="En">OK</text>
<t name="cancel">
<text lang="Cz">ZruÜit</text>
<text lang="En">Cancel</text>
<t name="setdefaultsettings">
<text lang="Cz">Obnovit p∙v. nastavenφ</text>
<text lang="En">Default settings</text>
<t name="resolution">
<text lang="Cz">RozliÜenφ</text>
<text lang="En">Resolution</text>
<t name="graphics">
<text lang="Cz">Grafika</text>
<text lang="En">Graphics</text>
<t name="sound">
<text lang="Cz">Zvuk</text>
<text lang="En">Sound</text>
<t name="windowed">
<text lang="Cz">SpouÜt∞t v okn∞</text>
<text lang="En">Windowed</text>
<t name="contrast">
<text lang="Cz">Kontrast</text>
<text lang="En">Contrast</text>
<t name="brightness">
<text lang="Cz">Jas</text>
<text lang="En">Brightness</text>
<t name="bitdepth">
<text lang="Cz">Barevnß hloubka</text>
<text lang="En">Color depth</text>
<t name="mipmapping">
<text lang="Cz">Mipmapping</text>
<text lang="En">Mipmapping</text>
<t name="texturea">
<text lang="Cz">Vyhlazovßnφ textur</text>
<text lang="En">Texture antialiasing</text>
<t name="verticalsynchronization">
<text lang="Cz">Vertikßlnφ synchronizace</text>
<text lang="En">Vertical synchronization</text>
<t name="hwrendering">
<text lang="Cz">HW Rendering</text>
<text lang="En">HW Rendering</text>
<t name="soundvolume">
<text lang="Cz">Hlasitost zvuku</text>
<text lang="En">Sound volume</text>
<t name="musicvolume">
<text lang="Cz">Hlasitost hudby</text>
<text lang="En">Music volume</text>
<t name="soundon">
<text lang="Cz">Zvuk zapnut</text>
<text lang="En">Sound on</text>
<t name="musicon">
<text lang="Cz">Hudba zapnuta</text>
<text lang="En">Music on</text>
<t name="fullscreeneffective">
<text lang="Cz">Tyto nastavenφ se projevφ pouze v zobrazenφ p°es celou obrazovku.</text>
<text lang="En">Theese settings takes effect only in the fullscreen mode.</text>
<t name="bdeffectiveafterrestart">
<text lang="Cz">Nastavenφ barevnΘ hloubky se projevφ a₧ po restartu aplikace.</text>
<text lang="En">Bit-depth settings will take effect on the next start of the application.</text>